Vision Map

Hover your mouse over the map and click the arrows or the dots at the bottom to cycle through maps showing the site in 2006, 2020, 2023, and the long term vision. On your phone, swipe the map left/right.

The creation of a nature reserve and natural burial ground takes time.  Starting with a field in 2006, our vision map shows what we hope Sun Rising will look like when it is complete in years to come.  With areas of woodland, wildflower meadow, grassy paths and rides, hedgerows, and the pond area, it will have many different habitats for wildlife.

Instead of planting all the woodland up front, much of the woodland is created as memorials trees, mainly on graves - so it's a gentle process.  There are areas of established wildflower meadow, and areas still being developed.  The margins and hedgerows are growing, becoming richer for wildlife, year by year.

Of course, Sun Rising is already well worth exploring.  Paths are mown to encourage you to meander and discover.  Habitat interpretation boards around the site explain the various ecosystems and how we manage them.