Spring Birdsong

It is so uplifting to wake in the morning to the sound of the dawn chorus again.  The adult males are sprucing themselves up in brighter courting feathers, and singing their hearts out each morning.  At Sun Rising, the loudest birds have been the song thrush and robins, but there are so many great tits and blue tits around.  The yellowhammer is easier to hear than to see, and the dunnocks and wrens are quieter, sneaking around in the still-bare branches of the hedges and trees.  I love this little fellow, somewhat undignified in a brief gust of wind.

Great Tit in the Wind

Great Tit in the Wind

The lichen is richly yellow behind him, and the little buds on the blackthorn can just be seen too.  There are now snowdrops and primroses in flower at Sun Rising, and the first few daffodils came into bloom yesterday.  With a few days of warm weather ahead, the spring growth will burst through.