
Each year, the arrival of the first snowdrops feels magical.  Whether they reach up through messy wet mud, tatty winter grass, the crust of frost or indeed a layer of snow, they appear so extraordinarily pristine.  At Sun Rising, the very first are now coming through, in twos or little clusters of half a dozen.  Some are opening into full flower, and some still little buds, almost impossibly white.

One of the First Snowdrops

One of the First Snowdrops

With recent rains, the paths and grassy areas near new graves are a bit muddy.  With fewer visitors because of the pandemic, it is easier than perhaps it might be if there were free movement.  But the muddy grass only goes to show the snowdrops as more beautiful.

As we clamber through the winter, tired of cold winds, grey skies and long dark nights, the snowdrops are perfect little gifts of hope.  You still might miss them if you look for them now, but over the next few weeks there’ll be more and more.  Spring will come …